Entrada: Controlling Emotions

Happy parents and kid walking together in summer

Controlling Emotions

Yes whether you like it or not sometimes you have to be the evil in the story, we know you want to please your child and want him/her to be the happiest kid at all times, but saying “no” is healthy too, having limits and letting them know that we need to earn what we want and not just demand is very important for your little ones. 

But setting limits doesn’t mean we are not allowing them to feel those range of emotions that sometimes come all at once, it is very important to listen to your kids and be aware of their body language.

A number of studies ASEGURAN that toddlers begin to understand that certain emotions are associated with certain situations, and even for moments, they are able to distance themselves from the things that upset them.

It is very important to talk about emotions and encourage your kids to name those emotions, this way you will be helping them to understand their feelings and somehow to learn what kind of situations trigger them.  

Showing your little ones that you as a parent have emotions, help them to learn, YA QUE they learn about emotion by watching you and the people who are around them, and this is a great tool for you to teach them that emotions can be named, and in that way is earlier to identify them. 

There is a lot of information about emotion regulation strategies, and one of the most effective one is the Situation selection, modification, and distraction, this means to help your kids avoid distressing situations or distracting them from those situations.

If we really think about it, it’s not that simple to control or identify our emotions, so the clue is to be patient, put ourselves in the shoes of the other even if this one is a 2-size shoe, and try to do our best with love and tolerance.

At pipirisnais we know that emotion regulation is not just about expressing emotions, it is also about an appropriate manner to express them, so that is why is so important for us to teach your children how to do that and help them to express the way they are feeling, so never feel alone we are here to help you!

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We strive to support your child in becoming a conscious and self aware human who knows his/her talents and gifts and to share them successfully with the world